Games in English

What We Liked..

Solid FPS gameplay

Very accessible

Numerous match modes

Large player base

.. and what we didn't

No support for larger screen resolutions

Poor graphics

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: action, shooter

Setting: present

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: all vs all matches or duels PvE PvP

CrossFire is the world's most popular free to play tactical FPS shooter, and the game has achieved this thanks to it's solid gameplay mechanics that makes matches quick, fun and easy to play. The game also boasts a huge amount of match modes and weapon customization that offers players plenty of options and keeps them coming back for more.

While the graphics are horrendously outdated, it doesn't hinder the game but enhances it instead. The majority of maps available are small in size which offers non-stop action and players will have no problems finding a match due to CrossFire's large player population.

CrossFire is a fanstastic tactical FPS game that's easily accessible and fun to play regardless of player skill levels and PC specs.

➔ Main points:

  • Solid FPS Gameplay that's been tweaked to perfection
  • Small maps that provides non-stop action
  • Large variety of match modes, weapons and customization
  • Huge player population means no problems finding a match quickly
  • Very accessible due to light and fast client download

What We Liked..

Easy to pick up

Fun daily events

Runs well

.. and what we didn't

Paying players have a huge advantage

Uninteresting gameplay

Zero originality

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, managerial, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

League of Angels is an acceptable turn-based MMORPG on rails for the casual player. Everything is clearly explained and marked and there is virtually no learning curve. There are plenty of things to do, including the usual daily events, dungeons to explore, world bosses, various PvP modes and mini-games along the lines of Bejeweled and Farmville – but not much original thought has gone on here.

The graphics and music are of reasonable quality, but while the game runs well the gameplay itself leaves much to be desired. The automated play style means that the main game pretty much plays itself, and the combat mechanics determine battle outcomes from gear and character skill sets rather than any strategy on your part.

Furthermore, the game places paying players at a distinct advantage over the free to play crowd, who will soon hit daily limits and won’t get access to the best weapons, armor and mounts. Serious gamers up for a challenge may want to look elsewhere.

What We Liked..

Retains best aspects of MOBAs

New gameplay elements are excellent

Great graphics

Little use for real money

.. and what we didn't

Difficulty curve is a little steep for newbies

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, action, MOBA

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: matches or duels PvP

Dawngate is a MOBA released by Waystone Games, a company under the umbrella of Visceral Games, which is under EA. With those names involved, you’ll expect a high quality product and Dawngate does not disappoint. Even in open beta, the graphics are great in this title – vivid and lush, though undeniably similar in palette to the game Dawngate is competing with, League of Legends.

But Dawngate isn’t just another clone in the crowded MOBA genre. It does add some real originality to its gameplay – narrowing down to just two lanes, adding roles for your heroes (called Shapers here) to focus on and granting bonuses to your minions when you destroy enemy Bindings or towers.

There is certainly enough new content being brought to the table here to intrigue any MOBA fan.

What We Liked..

Variety of dragons

action-based combat

.. and what we didn't

dated graphics

repetitive quests


3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

Savage Hunt - Dragon's Prophet is a relaunch of the original Dragon's Prophet. All the dragons are now free, and the game is the culmination of five ears of bug fixes, changes, and new content.

➔ Main points:

  • Lots of dragons to tame.
  • Action-based combat is fun.
  • Large-scale Frontier PvP.

What We Liked..

Detailed voice-overs

Player interactions

Comprehensive base building

.. and what we didn't

Influent cash shop

Rigid combat system

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: strategy, war, managerial

Setting: fantasy, historical, sea

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvP

Pirates – Tides of Fortune is a complex and charming browser game released by Plarium Games. In this game you are a commander of your own haven (base of operations), where your goal is to expand, conquer and form brotherhoods with other players.
Tides of Fortune allows you to take several approaches on your gameplay; economical, defensive and offensive. The game leaves you enough room to learn how to fend for yourself during the first few levels, so you don’t have to worry about getting raided and pillaged by other players right off the bat.

➔ Main points:

  • Classical strategy browser game.
  • Fetch resources (or steal them), recruit an army of pirates and build your fleet.
  • Complete daily missions to earn even more resources and units.
  • Funny, entertaining, multilanguage voice-over (in pirate tongue too!).
  • Much appreciated humoristic approach.

What We Liked..

It's Star Wars

Morality and conversation system

The customizable personal history of your character

.. and what we didn't

A lot of restrictions on the free-to-play option

Another World of Warcraft clone

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical, sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a recently released free to play MMORPG developed by Bioware and published by EA and LucasArts.

On one hand, its RPG aspects are excellent but on the other, its MMO qualities aren't so good. The game's creators definitely opted for the pay-to-win model with this one. The cash shop is graciously supplied and gives too large of an advantage compared to the in game stores.

Off the bat, the game had tons of potential for enjoyment. Its Star Wars licensed storyline and the opportunity to make your own customizable Jedi doppelganger had Star Wars fans hooked since their announcement.

Taking all that into account as well as its excellent graphical presentation this game is a worthy detour for any Star Wars fan looking to immerse themselves in an online community of Star Wars fandom.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play MMORPG based on the universe of Star Wars.
  • Great storyline and convincing atmosphere - the fans of the saga won't be disappointed.
  • Create and customize your own lightsaber!
  • Questionable free to play model and pretty strong limitations for non-paying players.

What We Liked..

Fast playstyle Quests are short and are rich in variety Action-oriented fighting system

.. and what we didn't

The interface is cluttered at times You can buy a lot of booster which gives the game a "pay2win"-feel The in-game-shop is rather expensive

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, sci-fi, sea, anime

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

Revelation Online has been one of the most anticipated MMORPGs of 2017 in the Western World. Despite being available for a year or so in the Asian market, it made its debut in Europe & North America only in March 2017, in the form of Open-Beta.

The game makes itself conspicuous especially through its extra fast playstyle. Additionally you get an action-oriented fighting system whereby the player can fight actively instead of just clicking on skills.

The world is huge and has a ton of quests available. Besides the normal PvE modes and the several quests, you can fight against other players in PvP, enter dungeons or buy your own house.
The devs put a great emphasis on flight: the entire open-world can be explored by flying with several kinds of wings and mounts.

Leveling is as fast as the playstyle. After the tutorial you are already level 15 and you can use a variety of skills and other functions in the game.

Furthermore, you get a Mentor and Demon-slayer system in order to make the game even more diversified and always keep you busy.

The in-game-shop mainly consists of cosmetic items, but also offers various sorts of boosters which give the feeling of "pay2win".

The quests offer variety, thanks to coming after one another quickly and never lasting too long.

If you like MMOs like TERA you should definitely check out this game, because it is similar but also brings its own ideas to the table.

➔ Main points:

  • 2017 fantasy MMORPG with fast playstyle and adrenalinic combat system.
  • Rapid succeeding quests that make sure you don't have to look around for them.
  • Wings and mounts to freely explore the world by flying.
  • Leveling is fast and it doesn't take long until you reach higher levels.
  • The in-game-shop mainly consists of items of cosmetic nature, however you can also buy booster.

What We Liked..

Intense FPS action

Small download size

.. and what we didn't

Mediocre graphics

Unbalanced cash shop

Similar to other titles

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, shooter

Setting: city

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvP

Piercing Blow is a free-to-play MMOFPS from Korea, where it’s been out for a while. It’s low on character customisation, but high on map variety, offering several modes across over 40 maps for you to explore and kill people on. The majority of the environments and scenarios are completely without novelty for any experienced player - all the old favourites are here.

While the game may not feel the need to add anything new to an already successful formula, it does offer fairly decent shooter gameplay. Maps are well designed, even if the Counterstrike-era graphics are mostly ugly, and with a small, undemanding file size, Piercing Blow runs smoothly.

A wealth of guns and weapon upgrades are available to those willing to pay real money for them, a factor that significantly unbalances the playing field. The only other way to unlock decent gear is by playing and winning daily tournaments. Basically, if you’re not already a skilled shooter or ready to pay for a better gun, you’re not going to make it here.

What We Liked..

Simple but incredibly rewarding gameplay

Beautifully modelled aircraft

.. and what we didn't

Graphically good but not great

Loses out to War Thunder

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: shooter, war

Setting: historical, sea

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvP

World of Warplanes is an MMO developed by Wargaming and joins the ranks of older title, World of Tanks. The game puts vehicles and land aside to focus on what happens in the skies, putting the player in the cockpit of numerous aircraft.

The game is extremely accessible and you will find yourself making air manoeuvres like a pro in a matter of minutes. The driving mechanics are very intuitive and allow easy and complete control over your craft with just a handful of keystrokes.

Graphically the title is well done, even if it falls short of true excellence. As players who have played World of Tanks might already expect, aircraft are highly detailed and modelled to a level of accuracy that, in some instances, approaches photorealism.

World of Warplanes is a great title and an important addition to Wargaming’s trilogy, soon to be completed with the upcoming World of Warships.

What We Liked..

Plenty of multiplayer options

Well developed autoplay functions

Interesting combat

Epic story

.. and what we didn't

Some items must be bought

Slow loading

Autoplayer may not be for everyone

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Monkey King Online is a browser MMORPG developed by R2Games and inspired by the Chinese epic Journey to the West. In the game you play as one of four characters – the Fox, the Bull, Iron Fan or the Monkey King himself – on a sprawling fantasy mission, defeating monsters, leveling up and customizing your character with items you can find, craft or buy. On top of this, you can also choose to team up with other players, join guilds or just battle it out in player-versus-player combat.

The most unique and, for some almost bizarre, aspect of this game is probably the Auto-Path feature, which should really be called Auto-Play. Choose this and the game literally plays itself for you, helping you complete the main story mission, collect items and gold or even just do battle with anyone in range. While it works well, this system may not be for everyone, though it will certainly delight players who have long dreamed of having someone else mine gold and exp for them.

The game has fairly impressive graphics for a browser, but sometimes experience slow performance with backgrounds taking a while to load. However, interesting multiplayer options and fairly complex combat make this title worth playing for fans of the genre.