Games in English

What We Liked..

Addictive gameplay

Colossal battles

Excellent graphics

.. and what we didn't

Not much of a story

Rather exorbitant hardware requirements

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: shooter, war

Setting: fantasy, sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvP

In the shoes of a member of one of three factions on the planet Auraxis, your mission is simply to conquer as much territory as possible and bring your team one step closer to total domination. The game places a strong emphasis on teamwork, with tactics designed to encourage furious suicide charges in the middle of battle.

The game is essentially devoid of a strong narrative component and prefers to rely entirely on the gameplay, which is fine because the latter is incredibly enjoyable, challenging and well designed.

Graphically, the game is beautiful, staging its battles in the most diverse, well-realised environments. Constant updates bring more content and welcome variations to an already excellent game.

Overall, PlanetSide 2 is the game fans of the first episode have been waiting for, and more.

What We Liked..

An easy-to-learn game

.. and what we didn't

Ships can take a lot of time going from place to place

can not go beyond the mediocre graphics and sounds

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action

Setting: sea

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

Seafight pirate simulation game. Browser-based game, which will have various tasks is everywhere and we will be working to complete them. They will also expand our ship and our crew when we will join the fleet and will strengthen. He was born the day for those who want to be a pirate!

What We Liked..

Retains best aspects of MOBAs

New gameplay elements are excellent

Great graphics

Little use for real money

.. and what we didn't

Difficulty curve is a little steep for newbies

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, action, MOBA

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: matches or duels PvP

Dawngate is a MOBA released by Waystone Games, a company under the umbrella of Visceral Games, which is under EA. With those names involved, you’ll expect a high quality product and Dawngate does not disappoint. Even in open beta, the graphics are great in this title – vivid and lush, though undeniably similar in palette to the game Dawngate is competing with, League of Legends.

But Dawngate isn’t just another clone in the crowded MOBA genre. It does add some real originality to its gameplay – narrowing down to just two lanes, adding roles for your heroes (called Shapers here) to focus on and granting bonuses to your minions when you destroy enemy Bindings or towers.

There is certainly enough new content being brought to the table here to intrigue any MOBA fan.

What We Liked..

New take on the genre

Easier to pick up than traditional MOBAs

System to disable abusive players

Excellent graphics

.. and what we didn't

Less challenging for seasoned players

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: MOBA

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvP

Strife is a new MOBA by S2 Games, the maker of Heroes of Newerth. Despite its name, Strife has been trumpeted as the answer to the MOBA genre’s highly competitive - even toxic – community, and playing the game it’s easy to see why. S2 have worked hard to create a softer, more accessible game without compromising on the key elements that make MOBAs so enjoyable.

From changing the farming system so that gold is shared among team members when one makes a successful kill, to the introduction of a rating system that rewards good behavior and bans multiple offenders from in-game chat, Strife is all about encouraging team play and a friendlier online environment. Gamers who love a serious challenge might prefer to stick to the high-stakes play in other MOBAs, but Strife is perfect for new and casual gamers.

It may be easier, but that doesn’t mean it’s without challenge. Strife does try to change things up. There is a giant ape who can be freed by one side to wreak havoc on the other, super useful pet companions to train and customise and a crafting system that rewards loyal players. Far from just being a novice version of a regular MOBA, Strife is a serious step in a more positive direction for the genre, and a great opening point to any gamer who’s hung back from MOBAs so far.

What We Liked..

PvP centered action

Resource mining and control

Fun and easy to jump into play immediately

.. and what we didn't

Unable to auto select all units on combat field

Basic warfare animation

Annoying and repetitive sound effects

Waiting times for task completion

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: simulation, war, managerial

Setting: city, sci-fi

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: all vs all PvP

War Commander charges you with the role of Commander over a growing platoon of vehicles and military personnel. The game runs in a browser based platform so almost no download is needed and you can play right away. Chrome or Firefox is recommended. War Commander will be instantly likeable for anyone who enjoyed Starcraft. This is a budget version of the similar mechanics and gameplay found in Starcraft, build a base, hire troops and defend it. There is a pleasing aspect of finding resources, gathering them and securing access to defend your supply base. The game delivers well enough to enjoy PvP action in a simple environment with a lot of playability for a long time to come. There's always something to do, units to upgrade, weapons to research and players to attack. If you're looking for a game that offers action, this is one that doesn't need huge memory or graphic intensive computers, which makes it fun and appealing to a lot of people.

What We Liked..

Intense FPS action

Small download size

.. and what we didn't

Mediocre graphics

Unbalanced cash shop

Similar to other titles

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, shooter

Setting: city

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvP

Piercing Blow is a free-to-play MMOFPS from Korea, where it’s been out for a while. It’s low on character customisation, but high on map variety, offering several modes across over 40 maps for you to explore and kill people on. The majority of the environments and scenarios are completely without novelty for any experienced player - all the old favourites are here.

While the game may not feel the need to add anything new to an already successful formula, it does offer fairly decent shooter gameplay. Maps are well designed, even if the Counterstrike-era graphics are mostly ugly, and with a small, undemanding file size, Piercing Blow runs smoothly.

A wealth of guns and weapon upgrades are available to those willing to pay real money for them, a factor that significantly unbalances the playing field. The only other way to unlock decent gear is by playing and winning daily tournaments. Basically, if you’re not already a skilled shooter or ready to pay for a better gun, you’re not going to make it here.

What We Liked..

Fun party customisation system

Improvement over previous games

Well balanced cash shop

.. and what we didn't

Overly automated gameplay

Story is still weak

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE

Knight’s Fable is a role-playing MMO set in a time of knights and gods. While it’s very similar to the previous R2-GTArcade release, League of Angels, the title makes small improvements in the area of story - rife with twists, betrayals and a cast of half-demons, nobles and divine beings. However, it still falls short of being truly great thanks to weak writing and heavily automated play.

Combat and the main quest are heavily automated by the system, leaving almost nothing for the player to do – an odd choice for a game that promised a stronger main story experience. Knight’s Fable does better in its customizable party and beast system, where human and monster allies can be unlocked to aid your character in battle. One of the genuinely fun aspects of the game, discovering and upgrading new allies to watch them kick serious ass in combat was exciting and highly rewarding.

The game also runs very well for a browser title even on slower systems, and strikes a good balance with its unobtrusive in-app purchase options. Overall, a decent title for those who love upgrading and customizing their character and parties, and don’t mind a light combat and questing experience.

What We Liked..

Varied and interesting PvP play

Lots of classes to choose from

Reborn feature boosts replay value

.. and what we didn't

Uninspiring graphics

Very similar to other TQ Online titles

Overpowered cash shop

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

Conquer Online sets itself apart early from its MMORPG brethren (including its own incredibly similar titles) by offering a large range of character classes to play, though other than choosing the gender there isn't much other customisation available. Still, whether you pick the graceful Water Taoist or the burly Warrior, TQ Online will set you up with a unique set of specialties and characteristics. And, thanks to the Reborn feature, which allows you to pick a new class with better attributes once you hit level 120, you'll get plenty of opportunity to explore all of them.

PvP is where the game really excels, offering a load of modes, challenges and activities for you to battle together or against your fellow players. Most notable is the violent PK Mode, where you can gain experience and gold by slaughtering any player in sight, while also earning yourself a reputation that might see you hunted down by bounty hunters.

Conquer Online's graphics are a let down, blocky, outdated, and made worse by an often cluttered user interface. Another sore point is the cash shop, which allows paying players to get a huge advantage with otherwise unattainable rare items and bonuses. However, a large community of non-paying players helps even this out, and makes the game an overall positive experience for lovers of PvP combat.

What We Liked..

Very innovative

Unique and rewarding quest progression

Game of Thrones!

.. and what we didn't

The technical qualities

Still a pretty standard pay-to-play type of game

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, war, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: plain text and images

PvP: all vs all guild or factions PvE PvP

Game of Thrones: Ascent is a new browser game developed and published by Disruptor Beam. The game chronicles your “ascent” to the throne of one of the eight royal houses of Westeros.

Ascent is a very story driven game, much like the original series. Unfortunately, where the game differs the most from the TV show is in the action. This isn't to say that fans of the show will not enjoy the game; fanboys and girls who feel the need to engage themselves in more GoT lore may find Ascent to be the perfect way to get their fix in between episodes.

Standard RPG fans may also take interest in the unconventional take on the combat system (if you could even call it that). The game also has the typical western RPG conversation based cutscenes, allowing you to align your character towards good, evil or somewhere in between.

Game of Thrones: Ascent has many attractions to many different types of gamers. Quintessential RPG gamers will appreciate a new take on the traditional combat system and more story driven gamers will love this game. Ascent even offers something for RTS gamers! There's plenty of resource gathering and “base-building” to be found in the game. And of course, GoT fans will find themselves right at home with the storyline.

Ascent is a game that reaches for the stars and all in all, it's a great use of the Game of Thrones license.

What We Liked..

Realistic Ortiental atmosphere

Rather exciting

Battle system that works well with the game

.. and what we didn't

The game's main shortcoming is its technical qualities

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: city, present

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

Age of Wulin is a free-to-play MMORPG directly from China off of which all of the game's lore and environment is based. Age of Wulin’s gameplay also has a strong Chinese base, featuring martial art moves and abilities in place of the usual fantasy setting and abilities that are found in MMORPGs.

Once you create your character the game lets you pick one out of eight Schools of martial arts which decide the base attributes to which your character will have access . Luckily every skill is available to each class, leaving the game with a lot of customization.

Periodically Age of Wulin adds new content in the form of competitions which are
essential to your success, building your School based stats and also giving you access to new skills
You have the choice to either improve your hand-to-hand combat skills or instead, other equally important disciplines that have their own advantages compared to hand-to-hand combat.

If you're interested in a world of Oriental legend proportions, Age of Wulin is a game you must try