Games to download

What We Liked..

Free to play and mostly fair

Good graphics

Runs well on modern rigs

.. and what we didn't

Low player population and long match finding queues

Input lag issues

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: war, action, shooter

Setting: present

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: matches or duels PvP

notmycar is a free to play vehicular battle royale game, featuring fast cars and deadly weapons in fast paced matches using familiar battle royale mechanics. The game is in early access beta, meaning that more features and gameplay improvements will be added over time. There are limited game modes available, but players can expect brand new rewards from progression systems like XP levels up, or they can be purchased from the Season Pass and Cash Store.

The game runs very well with excellent graphics and presentation. Gameplay is fluid and fun, but suffers from occasional input lag in which skills don't react fast enough to make a difference in vital moments. The playerbase is also low for a game that's fairly new. Overall, notmycar is a fresh entry into the battle royale genre and one that's worth a look if you enjoy pimping out cars.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play vehicular battle royale game that doesn't feel like a clone.
  • Only two game modes available which is solo and group play.
  • Progression is rewarding without spending money but it is a grind.
  • Very good graphics and game feels fluid and fun.
  • Low population for a new game is a worry.

What We Liked..

Satisfying ARPG Combat

Dungeons and PVP


Player community

.. and what we didn't

Boring quests

Repetitive gameplay

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Royal quest is a free to play isometric ARPG MMO that offers a fresh perspective in the genre with its action combat mechanic. The game features a linear quest progression system, but is dull in variety and can often feel repetitive and grindy. End-game is where Royal Quest truly shines, with fun and exciting dungeons and PVP modes that are large in scale.

The graphics are also a positive, with cartoon art styles and color tones that are lighthearted and fun. The game's community is also thriving, with plenty of in-game events and player markets. Overall, Royal Quest is a good action RPG MMO that deserves a shot, especially since it costs absolutely nothing.

➔ Main points:

  • Satisfying action based combat that stands out for an MMO
  • Fun end-game content such as dungeons and PVP
  • Large maps and a colorful and vibrant world
  • Thriving player community that makes socializing fun

What We Liked..

Excellent fast-pace action

Fun gunplay and power up systems

Plenty of progression

No pay to win

.. and what we didn't

Champion balance

Uneven match queue times

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: shooter, war

Setting: fantasy, sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: all vs all matches or duels PvP

Quake Champions is a free to play FPS game that continues the Quake franchises' long history of excellent fast-action team matches and gameplay. The game has over a dozen Champions to play as and each comes with unique weapons and abilities that are customizable the more you play. Progression comes fairly for simply playing the game, and players can unlock more content like cosmetics and additional match modes the higher their rank.

Presentation is fantastic and so is the gameplay, as that familiar power up utilization in matches combined with the frenzied swapping of weapons and quick movement offers some addictive gameplay. The cash shop uses currency awarded from simply playing the game and allows you to purchase cosmetics and there is no pay to win.

➔ Main points:

  • Buttery smooth FPS shooter featuring fast-action gameplay
  • Plenty of progression systems for ranks and Champions
  • Free to play with cash shop not being pay to win
  • Good size Champion roster with high replay value
  • Multiple data centers to pick from based on ping

What We Liked..

Deep Customization

Nemesis System

Fun Gameplay

.. and what we didn't

Poor Graphics

Confusing HUD

Lots of premium content

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: city, sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvE PvP

Based on famed table top game Champions, Champions Online is a recently free-to-play MMORPG created by City of Heroes developer Cryptic Studios. Champions online is a comic book lover’s ideal virtual world. While it has its issues, mostly related to graphics, playing through Champions is still an enjoyable romp filled with a plethora of well executed ideas. The game creates a rich yet traditional MMO experience, however much of the game’s systems and classes are locked behind a subscription-based paywall.

The combat feels, for the most part, very traditional. It’s a variation of the classic tab targeting system we’ve come to love, and expect from games like World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic. What differentiates combat the most is the ability to enter combat with a unique ability called a travel power. Travel powers are pretty much exactly as the sound, superpowers that allow for different methods of travel. There are a plethora of travel powers to choose from, each compliments a certain class type, however you can choose whichever you are most fond of.

➔ Main points:

  • 2009 MMORPG
  • Superhero Themed
  • Unique Nemesis System
  • Plethora of Customization options

What We Liked..

Highly addictive combat and game play

Good amount of maps to make up for the small number of game modes

Surprisingly deep progression including skill trees

Crafting and itemization

Good match-making for balanced fights

No pay to win

.. and what we didn't

Long wait times for match queues

Unnecessarily long tutorials

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: matches or duels PvP

Released in 2013, Panzar is a team-based arena PvP MMO that features eight fantasy RPG classes to pick from, and players can fight on a large variety of maps and modes . Panzar is incredibly polished, and its 3D game play emphasizes on skillful combat that's made interesting thanks to the unique skill abilities of each class that resembles an MMORPG or fantasy RPG game. Expect a group composition to comprise of Tanks, damage dealers, healers and even support roles.

While game play is fun and addictive , the semi-low population causes long queues, especially on non prime time. The in-game cash shop on the other hand is a refreshing take on paying to progress , as Panzar's progression revolves around spending time to enhance your class, and not paying for items outright. Overall, Panzar is still a stellar game that could benefit from a shot in the arm and new players.

➔ Main points:

  • PvP team focused arena combat matches
  • Offers PvE in addition to lengthy tutorials to help integrate new players
  • Eight fantasy style class archetypes to play, each with unique skills and progressions
  • No traditional combat targeting which ensures realistic gameplay
  • Pay to progress faster as opposed to pay to win

What We Liked..

Very solid gameplay

Fun pet system

.. and what we didn't

Aging graphics

Heavy cash shop

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Eudemons Online is a classic 2.5D MMORPG that offers traditional gameplay and a unique feature involving pets. Players will acquire, level and raise numerous Eudemons alongside their main classes to be effective in combat. Eudemons have their own skills and abilities that makes each class playthrough unique. The game utilizes traditional browser-like features like auto-pathing, grinding and RNG gear upgrading to name a few. For a free to play title, the cash shop is very influential which is to be expected. Eudemons Online's strength is in its classic gameplay, giving fans of 'Asian Grinder' games a solid game to get hooked onto. It's weak points are the aging engine and graphics, plus the advantageous cash store. Overall, Eudemons Online is a great window into the classic non-3D MMORPG titles of the past, and is worth a look if you're a fan of what it offers.

➔ Main points:

  • 2.5D MMORPG with classic gameplay
  • Fun and interesting pet system
  • Free to play title with optional advantages
  • Plenty of classes to choose from

What We Liked..

looks and sounds great

lots of strategy

positioning adds another layer

currently quite balanced

.. and what we didn't

just not as popular as some other CCGs

Bandai Namco brought more microtransactions

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: cards, strategy

Setting: fantasy, sci-fi

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: matches or duels

In most collectible card games, the hero, or summoner (or whatever you want to call it), sits out of sight, signified by a portrait, but in Duelyst, your general starts on the battlefield and gives the game its namesake. Battles in Duelyst are just that, duels. It’s your general pitted against your enemy’s general, and all the cards you play are in service of that.

➔ Main points:

  • fun implementation of generals
  • lots of strategic options
  • grid-based movement and positioning
  • great pixel art

What We Liked..

Faster gunplay than other games that sets it apart

Good amount of weapon customizations including accessories like keychains

Easy join and leave game lobbies to get into the action quicker

.. and what we didn't

Very generic maps and gameplay features

Not new player friendly as newbie lobbies are empty all the time

Only 5 maps since 2016

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Watch the trailer:

Genre: shooter

Setting: present

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: all vs all matches or duels PvE

Zula is a full 3D, team-based first person shooter that's been out since 2016, developed by IDC Games. The setting for its matches take place in present modern day era, and players can battle it out on a variety of realistic maps from Turkey to Ukraine, and the battlefield designs are strategic.

The gunplay is incredibly fast-paced and shooting feels excellent as bullet sprays are quick. This means enemy players die quicker, resulting in a hectic and frantic feeling in matches. However, the core gameplay is generic and bland as there are only 5 maps. This is further accentuated by the limited amount of game modes that we've already seen in similar games.

Overall, Zula is a decent free to play first person shooter that delivers fast paced action matches if that's what you crave from your FPS games. It has long haul progression systems for player levels to unlock weapon upgrades, in addition to skins and customization from both in-game and cash store to keep you busy.

➔ Main points:

  • Very fast paced gunplay speed that feels incredibly in matches
  • Good progression and customization options for players committed to the long grind
  • Offers daily missions to diversify daily gameplay offering
  • Zero tolerance on cheating and developers take it seriously

What We Liked..

Graphics are very good

Plenty of events from real life artists and influencers

Great building tools for creativity

.. and what we didn't

Low player numbers

Doesn't support VR anymore

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: casual, mmorpg, simulation

Setting: fantasy, present, sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: no fighting

Sansar is a free to play virtual universe MMO that allows players to create their own avatars and explore creativity and social activities together. Featuring fully 3D worlds, characters and environments, Sansar is graphically excellent and gameplay involves no combat, instead opting for social interactions. You can manipulate objects to recreate scenes at parties, or get creative and enter its excellent build mode to create your own disco for you and your friends to chill at. The game offers near limitless sandbox social experiences, but suffers from low player count currently.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play virtual online world that looks gorgeous.
  • Limitless amount of creativity tools to help players build, explore and create.
  • A great marketing and merchandise tool for influencers.
  • Plenty of live events to attend hosted by real people.
  • Somewhat low playerbase currently.

What We Liked..

Available on Steam

Fun and fluid combat

gorgeous art style

solid voice acting

.. and what we didn't

Combat gets repetitive after a while

lack of endgame content

English version has halved exp rates and double energy costs

obnoxious stamina system

too many P2P/P2W elements

server issues and long loading times

3.5 out of 5
Editorial vote: 7.0

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: city, present, sci-fi, anime

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvE PvP

Anime MMORPGs are a rare breed. Good ones anyway, and for use anime and MMO fans, that’s a darn shame. So when a good Anime MMORPG comes around, we play it as long as we can and cherish it more than that all-red Pokeball.

SoulWorker is a refreshing entry into the somewhat sparse Anime MMORPG genre. The art style is just plain gorgeous, and the combat is fast and furious, no Vin Diesel required. And most importantly, the game is fun.

While it lasts at least. The game is still young, but in its’ current state, there just isn’t enough to do. Players will have a blast in the initial hours, but once the serious grinding starts, the fun drops off a cliff. The endgame is pretty nonexistent, and what little there is to do, isn’t very enjoyable. Soul Worker is an instanced based, dungeon hack and slash, and it can get very repetitive very quickly. And the alterations that Game Forge made to the game, make the bad aspects of Soul Worker even worse. In its’ current state, it doesn’t have much in the way of lasting power, but it’s a great way to spend a weekend or two with friends.

➔ Main points:

  • Downloadable Hack n Slash MMORPG
  • Fast and fun combo heavy combat
  • Get repetitive towards late game
  • Very little endgame content
  • English version of the game is a lot harder and more grindy than the SEA version
  • Too much P2W/P2P Elements in the English release
  • Lots of server issues