What We Liked..

Very innovative

Unique and rewarding quest progression

Game of Thrones!

.. and what we didn't

The technical qualities

Still a pretty standard pay-to-play type of game

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, war, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: plain text and images

PvP: all vs all guild or factions PvE PvP

Game of Thrones: Ascent is a new browser game developed and published by Disruptor Beam. The game chronicles your “ascent” to the throne of one of the eight royal houses of Westeros.

Ascent is a very story driven game, much like the original series. Unfortunately, where the game differs the most from the TV show is in the action. This isn't to say that fans of the show will not enjoy the game; fanboys and girls who feel the need to engage themselves in more GoT lore may find Ascent to be the perfect way to get their fix in between episodes.

Standard RPG fans may also take interest in the unconventional take on the combat system (if you could even call it that). The game also has the typical western RPG conversation based cutscenes, allowing you to align your character towards good, evil or somewhere in between.

Game of Thrones: Ascent has many attractions to many different types of gamers. Quintessential RPG gamers will appreciate a new take on the traditional combat system and more story driven gamers will love this game. Ascent even offers something for RTS gamers! There's plenty of resource gathering and “base-building” to be found in the game. And of course, GoT fans will find themselves right at home with the storyline.

Ascent is a game that reaches for the stars and all in all, it's a great use of the Game of Thrones license.

What We Liked..

Fluid Combat

Engaging Story

Fantastic PvP

Great Graphics

Solid Free to Play Model

.. and what we didn't

PvE leaves a little to be desired

Large download

Requires a pretty good Computer

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Prepare to team up with friends and take on the world of Tyria in Guild Wars 2, a fantastically unique MMORPG.

With its first major expansion, Heart of Thorns, release in late 2015, ArenaNet’s highly acclaimed Guild Wars 2 has finally implemented a free to play option.
Making it easier than ever to experience the game’s gripping player driven story and visceral action based combat.

So strap in and prepare to experience one of the great MMOs of the last ten years, Guild Wars 2.

➔ Main points:

  • One of the most succesful commercial MMORPG recently converted to free to play.
  • Dynamic random events during PvE sessions.
  • Different PvP modes, including an original World vs World.
  • No PvE raids.

What We Liked..

Popular manga license

Lots of RPG trappings

satisfying progression

.. and what we didn't

Not much gameplay

allows you to buy power

poor English localization

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: matches or duels

Hunter X Hunter began its life as a modest manga that soon exploded in popularity. Its first anime series premiered in 1999 (and then another in 2011). The manga was also adapted into quite a few video games. Now it’s a free-to-play, browser-based MMORPG. Fans of the manga and anime will surely find a lot to like here, and if it’s their first MMORPG of this nature, it will feel fresh, but this is definitely not a fresh formula. Almost everything in Hunter X Hunter Online has been seen elsewhere. Fortunately, though, HXH Online (as it will henceforth be called) does it all well.

➔ Main points:

  • Browser-based RPG
  • Lots of customization
  • Based on the popular manga/anime property
  • Flash-based graphics and low system requirements

What We Liked..

Easy to pick up

Fun daily events

Runs well

.. and what we didn't

Paying players have a huge advantage

Uninteresting gameplay

Zero originality

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, managerial, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

League of Angels is an acceptable turn-based MMORPG on rails for the casual player. Everything is clearly explained and marked and there is virtually no learning curve. There are plenty of things to do, including the usual daily events, dungeons to explore, world bosses, various PvP modes and mini-games along the lines of Bejeweled and Farmville – but not much original thought has gone on here.

The graphics and music are of reasonable quality, but while the game runs well the gameplay itself leaves much to be desired. The automated play style means that the main game pretty much plays itself, and the combat mechanics determine battle outcomes from gear and character skill sets rather than any strategy on your part.

Furthermore, the game places paying players at a distinct advantage over the free to play crowd, who will soon hit daily limits and won’t get access to the best weapons, armor and mounts. Serious gamers up for a challenge may want to look elsewhere.

What We Liked..

Good Graphics

New Progression Systems

Lots of Content

.. and what we didn't

Poor Voice Over


AFK mode makes most things very easy

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, anime

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

League of Angels 2 is a beautiful new follow-up to the highly popular League of Angels. It’s a highly traditional MMO with a glossy new paint job and a few new mechanics. Playing through the game's story kept me entertained, and combat is a spectacle to behold.

Though not particularly engaging, the combat animations and visual effects are of high quality. Progressing through the story is similar to many other Browser MMO’s. In fact that seems to be the game’s biggest fault. It’s so reminiscent of other games, especially its predecessor, the original League of Angels. This however doesn’t ruin the fun, the experience is still engaging because the mechanics of the game are solid and the game is well made.

➔ Main points:

  • Improved Angels
  • Return of AFK gameplay
  • Beautiful Graphics
  • Sub-par Voice Acting

What We Liked..

It's Lord of the Rings!

Lots of content

House customisation is fun

.. and what we didn't

Quest and expansion packs must be bought

Weak endgame content

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: all vs all guild or factions PvE PvP

LOTRO is a fun MMORPG for the casual RPG player or the Tolkien fan. The world has plenty of content with many skirmishes to be had, dungeons to explore and raids to wage or defend against. Unfortunately, a lot of this content requires either spending real money or an absurd amount of time to unlock.

The quests of the game and the environments they take place in are visually engaging - picturesque and sweeping or dark and creepy, but always atmospheric.

Hardcore gamers or those looking for a game with challenging end game content, however, should look elsewhere.

What We Liked..

Beautiful graphics and effects

Countless features and options

.. and what we didn't

Automatic gameplay

Lack of an original story

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Magerealm: Rise of Chaos, developed by GTArcade and Youzu Games, is a 2.5D fantasy and action MMORPG based on the classical "Good VS Evil" story, just like many other titles of the same genre.

Magerealm allows to choose between three classes (Truthkeeper, Spellmaster, and Realmguard) besides basic character customization, and the progressive improvement of gear by embedding crystals that can potentiate your character's abilities.

Additionally, your characters will also have the possibility to summon their own Angels and Heroes, who have skills of their own that can be improved as well. Other classical MMORPG elements featured in Magerealm are clan, siege, and craft systems.

➔ Main points:

  • You can embed crystals to your equipment to potentiate it.
  • Three classes to choose from: Realmguard, Truthkeeper, and Spellmaster.
  • You can have a guardian Angel and a personal Hero.
  • Clan system.
  • PvP coliseum.
  • Siege system and dungeons to explore in party.

What We Liked..

Easy to jump into

Free to play without pay to win

Plenty of content

Promotes player creativity

.. and what we didn't

Bland main story quests

Must pay to use world chat

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: casual, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, anime

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

MapleStory 2 is a free to play hack and slash MMORPG featuring cute anime cartoon graphics and art style. The game offers an incredible amount of PvE and PvP content from questing to intuitive Mini Games and even a Battle Royale mode without a content paywall. While there is an in-game cash shop, it sells mostly cosmetics and convenience, although one great thing about it is you can sell your own custom designs on there as well using the User Generated Workshop.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play anime MMORPG
  • Amazing amount of content that are actually fun and rewarding
  • Players can create and sell their own designs with UGC Workshop
  • Fluid ARPG hack and slash combat with three control options

What We Liked..

Fun to play

Fine graphics and detail.

.. and what we didn't

Game is too similar to its predecessor.

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: sea, anime

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvP

One Piece 2 is an adventure browser-based MMO that allows you to assemble a crew of dangerous pirates and sail to dangerous expeditions with your character Luffy, with the ultimate goal to be the Pirate King.
Over the course of the story, you earn vitality points to make significant improvements to your crew to gain an upper hand in your fights.

In addition to living the story of the 'One Piece' treasure and the quest to become the Pirate King, you can also engage yourself in PvP battles against your friends and use your battle-hardened skills to finish top and win the spoils.

➔ Main points:

  • Free browser game set in the universe of One Piece, the famous anime.
  • Manage your crew and fight your way to become the Pirate King.
  • Select a character from four available classes.
  • Win vitality points to get upgrades.
  • Story lacking in imagination.

What We Liked..

Original and intriguing theme

Dizzying variety of quests and items

Thriving online community

.. and what we didn't

Very basic tutorial with no in-depth explanation

Vast amounts of information to take in

Gameplay between quests becomes repetitive

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Perfect World is a stunning MMORPG which is heavily influenced by Chinese mythology; casting players into an immersive, spiritual world of magic and intrigue. Some predictable RPG elements are present, including character customization and XP building, but that in no way hinders the enjoy-ability of the game.

With countless PVE quests, items to collect and character skills to learn, this game is more than capable of stealing hours off your life with its huge variety and captivating game play.

Perfect World is an in-depth, mystical experience well worth your time and dedication if fantasy RPGs are your thing!

➔ Main points:

  • Visually stunning and immersive environments to explore.
  • Huge array of items, quests and character skills to acquire.
  • Active online community further enhances game play opportunities.
  • Totally free to play, but cash shop is available for rare items etc.