What We Liked..
Well defined theme
Several gameplay modes (PVP and PVE)
A friendly game to get started in MMOs
Active community
.. and what we didn't
Repetitive missions that quickly turn boring
Lack of an exciting story
Genre: strategy, action, mmorpg, simulation
Setting: fantasy, historical, sea
Graphics: animated artworks
PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP
Pirate Storm is an excellent excuse for getting involved in the pirate world through a fun online browser game.
It was developed by BigPoint, a company famous for being the developer of many other popular browser MMOs like Drakensang Online or Dark Orbit.
This time, BigPoint will bring on our monitors some pretty cool tropical landscapes in a world completely shaped in the pirate theme.
You'll be able to control your own ship as you level up completing missions for gold and diamonds that you'll use to improve the ship itself and hire crew members.
Pirate Storm offers diverse missions, ship improvement and guild systems, crew recruiting, and treasure hunts. It also features PVP and PVE battles, so you can loot items and gain experience through combat against sea monsters or other players' ships.
What We Liked..
Fast playstyle Quests are short and are rich in variety Action-oriented fighting system
.. and what we didn't
The interface is cluttered at times You can buy a lot of booster which gives the game a "pay2win"-feel The in-game-shop is rather expensive
Revelation Online has been one of the most anticipated MMORPGs of 2017 in the Western World. Despite being available for a year or so in the Asian market, it made its debut in Europe & North America only in March 2017, in the form of Open-Beta.
The game makes itself conspicuous especially through its extra fast playstyle. Additionally you get an action-oriented fighting system whereby the player can fight actively instead of just clicking on skills.
The world is huge and has a ton of quests available. Besides the normal PvE modes and the several quests, you can fight against other players in PvP, enter dungeons or buy your own house.
The devs put a great emphasis on flight: the entire open-world can be explored by flying with several kinds of wings and mounts.
Leveling is as fast as the playstyle. After the tutorial you are already level 15 and you can use a variety of skills and other functions in the game.
Furthermore, you get a Mentor and Demon-slayer system in order to make the game even more diversified and always keep you busy.
The in-game-shop mainly consists of cosmetic items, but also offers various sorts of boosters which give the feeling of "pay2win".
The quests offer variety, thanks to coming after one another quickly and never lasting too long.
If you like MMOs like TERA you should definitely check out this game, because it is similar but also brings its own ideas to the table.
What We Liked..
Great classic MMORPG experience fans of old-school MMOs
Good class system
Unique gameplay features
.. and what we didn't
Old graphics
Dwindling playerbase
Watch the trailer:
RIFT is a free to play MMORPG that's considered a classic game and a great alternative to games like WoW Classic. It features tab-targeting combat, an in-depth class building system that supports the MMO trinity archetypes, and full PvE campaigns and stories for its two factions, The Guardians and The Defiants. RIFT in today's market has evolved by offering some unique gameplay experiences like its dynamic open-world rift events, excellent housing system, quick leveling adventures and of course, PvP battlegrounds for those that want some competitiveness.
What We Liked..
Variety of dragons
action-based combat
.. and what we didn't
dated graphics
repetitive quests
What We Liked..
Classic RPG Style
Great PVP fighting mechanics
Armor and weapons still look cool
.. and what we didn't
Dated graphics & low res character models
Heavily P2W PVP
Unbalanced economy
Very low player base
Shaiya holds a place in many people’s hearts as the first MMO they’ve ever played. And as such, people looking back on it today might be viewing it through those dark-tinted nostalgia glasses which may obscure their objectivity when talking about it.
Over 11 years since its’ release, does Shaiya hold up? In a way (Private servers), yes, but for the most part, Shaiya is as dead as an MMO can get. The way it works with old-school MMOs is they either need to have a large enough player base to keep them going, or they need to modernize with the times to draw in newer players.
Shaiya does neither. Few veterans of the game are left, and the changes that the developers have made to the game over the years have only pushed old-school players away even more. There’s nothing on offer here that the new generation of gamers won’t find somewhere else. Somewhere better. The uniqueness of Ultimate Mode, is little more than a novelty feature now, and the P2W aspects of the PVP just kill the game, despite its’ potential. Shaiya still has its’ high points, but the official game is long past its’ prime.
What We Liked..
Multi-class system
Beautiful graphics
Vast character customization
.. and what we didn't
Progression cap
Overly animated
Average soundtrack
Imbalanced pvp
Watch the trailer:
When playing Skyforge, you can’t help but feel appreciative of what the creators were doing: the foundation for Skyforge itself is based around really unique concepts.
The multi-class system, the interesting storyline, the beautifully animated environment and vast character customization skills come together for quite the impact.
The flaws in this game (mostly regarding PvP balancing) are not big enough to overwhelm all the great aspects of this new MMORPG, which has a lot to offer both to players looking for something new and for those who are looking for a traditional RPG experience.
Skyforge trapped me in this elaborate world that continues to prove itself worth it.
What We Liked..
It's Star Wars
Morality and conversation system
The customizable personal history of your character
.. and what we didn't
A lot of restrictions on the free-to-play option
Another World of Warcraft clone
Star Wars: The Old Republic is a recently released free to play MMORPG developed by Bioware and published by EA and LucasArts.
On one hand, its RPG aspects are excellent but on the other, its MMO qualities aren't so good. The game's creators definitely opted for the pay-to-win model with this one. The cash shop is graciously supplied and gives too large of an advantage compared to the in game stores.
Off the bat, the game had tons of potential for enjoyment. Its Star Wars licensed storyline and the opportunity to make your own customizable Jedi doppelganger had Star Wars fans hooked since their announcement.
Taking all that into account as well as its excellent graphical presentation this game is a worthy detour for any Star Wars fan looking to immerse themselves in an online community of Star Wars fandom.
What We Liked..
Deep immersive gameplay
Amazing visual graphics
Cooperative gameplay through Orders
.. and what we didn't
Serious advancement costs time/money
Battery life on mobile devices
On-screen extras can get overwhelming
Watch the trailer:
Genre: strategy, war, managerial, mmorpg
Setting: fantasy, historical
Graphics: animated artworks
PvP: guild or factions PvP
Throne: Kingdom at War is a Browser game, released by Plarium in August 2016. While it does have its little quirks that can serve to be an annoyance to some, its overall gameplay, visuals, and gaming structure make it yet another incredible addition to the avid gamer’s collection. With new players continuing to join every day, it is a game that is well worth checking out, with some heavy addiction warnings in place (coming from personal experience).
What We Liked..
Easy to pick up and play
Large player population
Plenty of classes
Excellent modding support and community
.. and what we didn't
PvP can be a hit or miss
Trove is a free to play voxel-based MMO that while inspired by Minecraft, offers tons of features that makes it stand out on its own. Players can play between any of the 16 classes available and jump into sandbox worlds to create, destroy or whatever else they want to do in the game's many modes available. Gameplay is fluid enough to pick up even for casuals, and offers good social systems to ensure that playing together is as much fun as going it alone. The cash store offers no significant advantages, and it's a great alternative to the almighty Minecraft.
What We Liked..
Ability to switch between classes at will
10 different classes that are fun to play
Story-driven MMORPG
Action based combat
Unobtrusive cash shop
.. and what we didn't
Typical grind at later levels
Unsubstantial PVE and PVP
Linear story pacing and delivery
Twin Saga is the latest high fantasy setting MMORPG to come out from Asia and offers a promising outlook for the genre by putting the power of choice in the hands of the player. rassembler du matériel ou forger. The game features 10 different classes that players can swap between freely at any time without cost or restriction. Player housing also takes a different approach – the Terracottage is a mobile house that can move like mounts, and is a place where guilds and friends can hang out, gather materials and even craft.
If you enjoyed games like Final Fantasy, Ragnarok and Kingdom Hearts, Twin Saga’s 3D art style and animations will definitely appeal to you as it hovers between anime and cartoon, but the graphics do look a little aged which is surprising.
Overall, Twin Saga is a fairly good MMORPG that contains rich lore and story that is complemented by a fast-paced action combat system that suits the art style. There’s plenty to do in PVE ranging from hidden quests, Astral Adventures and Dungeons, while the competitive players can try their hand at PVP in arenas or battlegrounds. Ultimately, Twin Saga should be credited for its fresh approach but doesn’t do enough to stand out from the MMORPG crowd.